
Elevate The Frontline To Elevate The Business

Frontline technology boosts business success.

Learn how revenue and operating costs are impacted by employee experience (EX) in this WorkJam commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting.

Download the Forrester study.

About the Forrester Consulting Employee Experience Study

Forrester Consulting‘s global study examines how enterprises are investing in technologies to improve frontline operations. The first-of-its-kind frontline worker study showcases these investments’ impact on enterprise growth.

The conclusion? Employee Experience is directly related to increased revenue, competitive differentiation in the market, and improved Net Promoter Score (NPS). It’s a fact: Enterprises that invest in digital transformation tools grow at a faster rate than their competitors – they unlock the power of their frontline for improved CX.

52% of enterprises focused on EX reported double-digit revenue growth YoY compared to only 32% of firms who don’t focus on EX.

Frontline Employee Revenue Forrester Maturity Overall

*Survey includes survey respondents from the following industries: manufacturing and materials (19%), retail (18%), hospitality and travel (14%), healthcare (13%), consumer product goods (13%), food and/or beverage service (12%), and grocery/food shopping (11%).

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